Wednesday 6 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: We'll Meet Again (Acapella and Remotely!) - Abi & The Tasty Mooresels

We'll Meet Again (Acapella and Remotely!) - Abi & The Tasty Mooresels Hey there! The Tasties are very sad that they can't perform their VE Day Celebration shows this year, but we tried our hardest to learn our parts for this song separately and recorded them remotely from our homes! Ironically, we have NEVER MET to sing this together, learning it completely remotely from Abi's recorded soundfiles! We can't wait to sing together, and for you too in the near future. Peace and love to you all and can't wait until WE'LL MEET AGAIN! This song was written by Ross Parker/ Hughie Charles and this acapella arrangement was written by Abi Moore (

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