Saturday 29 August 2020

Liked on YouTube: 20 rock violin licks

20 rock violin licks
20 rock violin licks demonstrated, each with on-screen sheet music. Includes backing phrases, flattened third licks, flattened seventh licks, the minor pentatonic scale, minor blues scale, Chuck Berry lick, the Pick Slide, the Power Chord, Hammer-ons, artificial feedback and a selection of high speed shredding licks. Also, at the end, The Most Important Lick of All! A free sheet music pdf is available to subscribers. Email me at The licks from this video are mostly taken from my book Discovering Rock Violin, published by Schott. "A great achievement...fantastic book"- Mark Wood "I love the fact that your book features a lot of great players in the rock world who, many of whom I have always felt were underappreciated. This is something I was considering doing with my book, but instead I decided to focus on theory and techniques, which your book covers extensively as well. ...Thank you again for writing a book on a topic which is long overdue" -Joe Deninzon "If there's a more entertaining pedagogical book than this published in 2012 I'd like to see it. Chris Haigh celebrates the violinist in the rock band in an offering as full of laughs as a Spinal Tap concert" -David Lasserson. The Strad To look at or buy this or my other books, go to You can also find out more about rock violin on my website

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