Sunday 15 May 2022

Liked on YouTube: Billy in the Low Ground - Fiddle Tune

Billy in the Low Ground - Fiddle Tune
This is one of those classic tunes that I feel most fiddle players will have had a go at playing at some stage in their musical playing career. I guess it fits into the OldTime genre, although it could quite easily be played by a Bluegrasss band as well. All in all, it's simply a great tune to play, with a lot of notes going all over the place, haha. I now have a Patreon website and for a small amount each month you get regular teaching videos, sheet music, backing tracks, live streams, newsletters and more. Drop by for a visit and see what is available. Alternatively, If you just wish to show your support for my channel and the music I freely share. I now have a simple paypal account at A big thank you to those viewers who have already been kind enough to already show their appreciation. Album 1, 2, 3, + EP links all on-line music providers YouTube Music only:

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