Saturday 3 September 2022

Liked on YouTube: Tam Lin - Glasgow Reel

Tam Lin - Glasgow Reel
I now have a Patreon website and for a small amount each month you get regular teaching videos, sheet music, backing tracks, live streams, newsletters and more. Pay me a visit and see what is available. Lesson: Tam Lin Jig, a slightly easier version to play: Tam LIn of Carterhaugh melodic slower version: Notation: Tam-Lin Reel/Glasgow Reel is associated with Davey Arthur who used to play with the Fureys. It is probably based around a traditional melody as the style of flipping between strings is reminiscent of many fiddle tunes. Having said that, it is a great tune by any standard and so much fun to play. It gets played a lot in the sessions and sounds great when loads of instruments join in.

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