Tuesday 23 February 2021

Liked on YouTube: How To Make A Bedroom Home Studio Sound Great With NO Money!

How To Make A Bedroom Home Studio Sound Great With NO Money!
With the UK in lockdown, we're doing the responsible thing and working from home as much as possible. But Mark's spare room sounds AWFUL!! So what can be done? It's amazing what a vast improvement you can make to even the worst sounding spaces with a little imagination, and a few things you'll have around the house! If you want Mark to master your music, get 50% off, and FREE Apple Music Masters certification using the promo code "YouTube" at: https://bit.ly/3pNL5cd To receive a 7% discount (and earn us a tiny commission) on a DistroKid subscription and increase your chances of higher ranking on Apple Music and Spotify playlists (assuming Mark has mastered your tracks, that is!) and help use this link: https://bit.ly/3bD09UK If you would like to send us new and interesting products for review, or are interested in a collaboration, please email us at: info@cosmic-audio.co.uk If you enjoy our content and would like to make a small PayPal donation to the channel (it gets pretty expensive pretty quickly to make these videos!), then we would be eternally grateful, and give you a shout-out in the next video! https://bit.ly/3aOcgPW

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