Wednesday 2 March 2022

Liked on YouTube: Improved Magic Loop Technique

Improved Magic Loop Technique
If you are wondering how to keep track of the beginning of the round using this technique, click "SHOW MORE" here for the answer. Original description: After a brief introduction into how to knit in the round using the Magic Loop method, I show where tension problems commonly occur with this technique. I then show you a small change in how to work the Magic Loop method that solves those problems perfectly. Yay! No more tension issues at the gaps when knitting it the round using Magic Loop! Answer to the most common question: Several people have asked the same question. So let me answer it for everyone here. The question is some variation of this: "How do you know where the beginning of the round is with this method?" The simple answer is "Place a BOR [beginning of round] marker and you'll always know where it is." I didn't realize how common it is for people to use one of the magic loop gaps to mark the BOR. I always use a marker so it didn't occur to me to address this in the video. Just slip the BOR marker every time you come around to it. Then the gaps are not trying to serve a dual purpose so it isn't a problem to move it a few stitches every time to come to one of them. If that doesn't answer the question, please let me know in a comment.

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