Sunday 13 March 2022

Liked on YouTube: Irish Fiddle - The Butterfly & The Musical Priest

Irish Fiddle - The Butterfly & The Musical Priest
I play the Musical Priest in a lower key than normal, as it works so well following on from the Butterfly. I put this video together as I was practising for Thursday's, St Patrick's night gig. Also, I was testing out my camera and mic to see what it was recording like. Of course the Butterfly is a Slip Jig and the Musical Priest is a Reel, but I think the combination of the two tunes seems to work quite well. I added guitar and bass, as I wanted the other band members to have an idea what the chord structure was like, as the Butterfly is slightly unusual like many other slip jigs. Head on over to my Patreon site if you want the notation/TAB for this tune, which I will be adding later today. I now have a simple paypal account at If you wish to show your support for my channel and the music I freely share. A big thank you to those viewers who have already been kind enough to already show their appreciation. Album 1, 2, 3, + EP links all on-line music providers YouTube Music only:

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