Friday 5 March 2021

Liked on YouTube: A Day In The Country - An invitation to a YouTube concert of flute & piano music to inspire & relax.

A Day In The Country - An invitation to a YouTube concert of flute & piano music to inspire & relax.
It is March & Spring has finally sprung! I feel inspired by the countryside that I have lived in & that I would love to explore in the future so pack a drink, your favourite snack, sit back & join me as we explore together. The programme will include Grieg's 'Morning' from Peer Gynt, a beautiful piece by the father of Andrew and Julian Lloyd Webber (who knew he was a fabulous composer?), a jaunty 'Walk In The Black Forest', a visit to 'English Country Gardens' and a wonderful song describing Merrow Down, Guildford and the river Wey. HOW TO WATCH: Make a donation of any amount & join us for the premiere on YouTube at Anne Allen Flute on Friday 12th March at 7pm, or at any day/time after the premiere - Why not create your own event & watch at a time of your choice with friends & family? BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: BUY GIFT TICKETS: Do you need a birthday or thank you gift for anyone? Simply add a note in PayPal with the name & email of the recipient and any personal message. I will send a special online gift ticket. DON’T USE PAYPAL? No problem, email me: THERE IS NO SET TICKET PRICE FOR THIS CONCERT I want to make this concert as inclusive as possible so please donate what you can for your ticket. This is our life's work & passion and we value any donation you can afford, even if only £1. THANK YOU 10% will be given to Help Musicians, formerly the Musician's Benevolent Fund. I look forward to sharing this concert with you. If you feel able to, please add your comments below, ‘like’ this video & subscribe to my YouTube channel. The music featured in this invitation video is Sheep May Safely Graze by Johann Sebastian Bach, arranged and performed by The Ancora Duo, Anne Allen on the flute and Sarah Freestone on the guitar. LINKS DAVID HARROD thank you for accompanying me so beautifully in this concert. ST HELEN'S W10 thank you for letting us use your wonderful building & lovely piano. ANNE ALLEN FLUTE You can listen to, download or buy my flute & guitar CD 'Entrada' & my latest flute & piano CD 'The Romantic Flute' here: Here is my website: And I'm on facebook & Instagram as @anneallenflute Listen to more here:

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